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IUP Mathematics Courses for Spring 02

Prepared on February 14, 2002

COSC 362 001 21937C Unix Systems         3.0 F A Adkins             M   F  1145-1245 STRGT 320
                                                                      W    1145-1245 STRGT 331

EDEX 221 001 21221C Tchg Math to Persons 3.0 J D Baker              M W    1530-1700 STRGT 302

EDUC 242 044 21195C Pre-Student Tchg Cli 1.0 B J Lamberski             R   1500-1600 STRGT 302

EDUC 342 044 21205C Pre-Student Tchg Cli 1.0 J M Walker                R   1500-1600 STRGT 202

EDUC 441 083 20167T Student Teaching     2.0 J M Walker                    NONE-NONE          

EDUC 456 001 21209C Tchg Math in Seconda 3.0 J M Walker              T R   1315-1445 STRGT 202

ELED 313 001 21198C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 L M Feldman            M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 302
         002 21199C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 L M Feldman            M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 302
         003 21200C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 J L Gorman              T R   0800-0930 STRGT 302
         004 21201C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 J L Gorman              T R   0945-1115 STRGT 302
         710 21203C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 J R Myers                 R   1100-1345 CCAC     

ELMA 517 001 21232C Intro to Probability 3.0 L M Feldman              W    1800-2100 STRGT 302

ELMA 520 001 21230C Pre-Calculus Mathema 3.0 M J Bosse                 R   1720-2020 STRGT 302

ELMA 558 001 21225C Intro to Logic & Log 3.0 M M Stempien            T     1720-2020 STRGT 302

MATH 100 001 21102C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 D A Burkett            M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 333
         002 21103C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 D A Burkett            M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 333
         003 21104C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 M Polka                M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 202
         004 21105C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 A L Casagranda         M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 232
         007 21108C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 J M Walker              T R   1130-1300 STRGT 231
         009 23736C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 R E Early              M W F  1530-1630 STRGT 331
         010 23737C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 R E Early              M W F  1030-1130 ZINK  108
         301 23376C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 R A Dubovsky           M W F  1030-1130 PUNX  22 

MATH 101 001 21110C Foundations of Math  3.0 A L Casagranda         M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 240
         002 21111C Foundations of Math  3.0 A L Casagranda         M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 240
         003 21112C Foundations of Math  3.0 M Polka                M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 329
         004 21113C Foundations of Math  3.0 A L Casagranda         M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 232
         005 21114C Foundations of Math  3.0 H L Lamparski          M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 340
         006 21115C Foundations of Math  3.0 H L Lamparski          M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 340
         007 21116C Foundations of Math  3.0 C I Anderson           M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 240
         008 21117C Foundations of Math  3.0 M Polka                M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 340
         009 21118C Foundations of Math  3.0 M Polka                M W F  1530-1630 STRGT 202
         010 21119C Foundations of Math  3.0 M J Bosse              M W    1530-1700 STRGT 231
         011 21120C Foundations of Math  3.0 M J Bosse              M W    1715-1845 STRGT 231
         012 21121C Foundations of Math  3.0 B J Lamberski           T R   0800-0930 STRGT 240
         013 21122C Foundations of Math  3.0 P P Ray                 T R   0800-0930 STRGT 231
         014 21123C Foundations of Math  3.0 F E Alarcon             T R   0945-1115 STRGT 112
         015 21124C Foundations of Math  3.0 R J Frank               T R   0945-1115 STRGT 231
         016 21125C Foundations of Math  3.0 F E Alarcon             T R   1130-1300 STRGT 112
         017 21126C Foundations of Math  3.0 E A Walker              T R   1130-1300 STRGT 240
         201 23361C Foundations of Math  3.0 R E Early               T R   1200-1330 ARM   207
         301 23377C Foundations of Math  3.0 R A Dubovsky           M W F  1415-1515 PUNX  22 
         302 23622C Foundations of Math  3.0 R A Dubovsky           M W F  0915-1015 PUNX  22 
         801 23605Y Foundations of Math  3.0 F E Alarcon                   NONE-NONE ONLIN    
         8E1 23609Y Foundations of Math  3.0 F E Alarcon                   NONE-NONE ONLIN    

MATH 105 001 21127C College Algebra      3.0 J H Steelman           M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 327
         002 21128C College Algebra      3.0 J H Steelman           M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 327
         003 21129C College Algebra      3.0 P P Ray                M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 333
         004 21130C College Algebra      3.0 J H Steelman           M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 333
         005 21131C College Algebra      3.0 P P Ray                 T R   0945-1115 STRGT 333
         006 21132C College Algebra      3.0 L L Tully               T R   1130-1300 STRGT 232
         007 21133C College Algebra      3.0 L L Tully               T R   1315-1445 STRGT 232
         008 21881C College Algebra      3.0 C E Maier               T R   0945-1115 STRGT 240
         009 23803C College Algebra      3.0 C E Maier               T R   1315-1445 STRGT 240

MATH 110 001 21134C Elementary Functions 3.0 J Broughton            M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 231
         002 21135C Elementary Functions 3.0 J Broughton            M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 231
         003 21136C Elementary Functions 3.0 G E Mitchell           M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 327
         004 21137C Elementary Functions 3.0 G E Mitchell           M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 327

MATH 115 001 21138C Applied Mathematics  4.0 F W Morgan             MTW F  0800-0900 STRGT 226
         002 21139C Applied Mathematics  4.0 F W Morgan             MTW F  0915-1015 STRGT 226
         004 21141C Applied Mathematics  4.0 J C Reber              MTW F  1145-1245 STRGT 327
         005 21142C Applied Mathematics  4.0 J C Reber              MTW F  1300-1400 STRGT 226
         006 21143C Applied Mathematics  4.0 J J Lattanzio          M WRF  1415-1515 STRGT 229
         007 21144C Applied Mathematics  4.0 J J Lattanzio          M WRF  1530-1630 STRGT 229

MATH 121 001 21145C Calculus I/ NatSci,S 4.0 D A Balenovich         MTW F  1145-1245 STRGT 226
         002 21146C Calculus I/ NatSci,S 4.0 D A Balenovich         M W    1800-2000 STRGT 240

MATH 122 001 21147C Calculus II/NatSci,S 4.0 J J Lattanzio          M WRF  1145-1245 STRGT 229

MATH 123 001 21148C Calculus I/Physics,  4.0 H E Donley             M WRF  1030-1130 STRGT 329
         002 21149C Calculus I/Physics,  4.0 H E Donley             M WRF  1145-1245 STRGT 329

MATH 124 001 21150C Calculus II/Physics, 4.0 G E Mitchell           MTW F  1030-1130 STRGT 327
         002 21151C Calculus II/Physics, 4.0 F A Adkins             MTW F  1415-1515 STRGT 226

MATH 151 001 21152C Elements of Math I   3.0 J R Myers              M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 340
         002 21153C Elements of Math I   3.0 M M Stempien           M W    1530-1700 STRGT 340
         003 21154C Elements of Math I   3.0 M M Stempien            T R   1130-1300 STRGT 340
         004 21155C Elements of Math I   3.0 M M Stempien            T R   1315-1445 STRGT 340

MATH 152 001 21156C Elements of Math II  3.0 B J Lamberski          M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 340
         002 21157C Elements of Math II  3.0 B J Lamberski          M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 340
         003 21158C Elements of Math II  3.0 J R Myers              M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 302
         004 21159C Elements of Math II  3.0 M J Bosse              M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 302
         005 21160C Elements of Math II  3.0 H L Lamparski          M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 240
         006 21161C Elements of Math II  3.0 H L Lamparski          M W F  1530-1630 STRGT 240
         007 21162C Elements of Math II  3.0 J D Baker               T R   0800-0930 STRGT 340
         008 21163C Elements of Math II  3.0 J D Baker               T R   0945-1115 STRGT 340
         009 21164C Elements of Math II  3.0 J D Baker               T R   1315-1445 STRGT 302
         710 23362C Elements of Math II  3.0 M J Bosse               T R   1230-1345 CCAC     

MATH 171 001 21165C Intro Linear Algebra 3.0 P P Ray                M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 333
         002 21166C Intro Linear Algebra 3.0 J Broughton            M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 231

MATH 214 001 21167C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 R A Sandbothe          M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 232
         002 21168C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 R A Sandbothe          M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 232
         003 21169C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 D H Frank              M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 232
         004 21170C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 J Broughton            M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 232
         005 21171C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 R A Sandbothe          M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 333
         007 21173C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 D H Frank              M W F  1530-1630 STRGT 232
         008 21174C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 M Y Shawer              T R   1315-1445 STRGT 333

MATH 216 001 21175C Probability & Stats/ 4.0 M Y Shawer             M W    0800-0900 STRGT 302
                                                                     T R   0800-0900 STRGT 112
         002 21176C Probability & Stats/ 4.0 M Y Shawer             M W    1145-1245 STRGT 112
                                                                     T R   1145-1245 STRGT 333
         003 21177C Probability & Stats/ 4.0 D H Frank              M WRF  1300-1400 STRGT 229

MATH 217 001 21178C Intro to Probability 3.0 C I Anderson           M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 231
         003 21180C Intro to Probability 3.0 G S Stoudt             M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 112
         004 21181C Intro to Probability 3.0 C I Anderson           M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 240
         005 21182C Intro to Probability 3.0 G S Stoudt             M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 112
         006 21183C Intro to Probability 3.0 C I Anderson           M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 240
         007 21184C Intro to Probability 3.0 R J Frank              M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 231
         008 21185C Intro to Probability 3.0 C E Maier              M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 112
         009 21186C Intro to Probability 3.0 R E Early              M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 231
         010 21187C Intro to Probability 3.0 C E Maier              M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 112
         011 21188C Intro to Probability 3.0 R J Frank              M W F  1530-1630 STRGT 327
         012 21189C Intro to Probability 3.0 E A Walker             M W    1530-1700 STRGT 112
         013 21190C Intro to Probability 3.0 J Zhang                 T R   1315-1445 STRGT 112
         014 21191C Intro to Probability 3.0 E A Walker              T R   1500-1630 STRGT 112
         015 21192C Intro to Probability 3.0 E A Walker              T R   1645-1815 STRGT 112
         301 23379C Intro to Probability 3.0 R A Dubovsky           M W F  1300-1400 PUNX  22 
         801 23613Y Intro to Probability 3.0 J Zhang                       NONE-NONE ONLIN    

MATH 219 001 21193C Discrete Mathematics 3.0 R J Frank              M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 302

MATH 241 001 21194C Differential Equatio 3.0 D A Balenovich         M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 202

MATH 271 W01 21196C Intro Math Proofs I  3.0 G M Buriok             M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 202

MATH 272 001 21197C Intro Math Proofs II 3.0 J C Reber              M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 202

MATH 317 001 21212C Prob & Stats for Tch 3.0 L M Feldman              W    1800-2100 STRGT 302

MATH 342 001 21204C Adv Math for Applica 4.0 F A Adkins             MTW F  1530-1630 STRGT 226

MATH 350 W01 21206C History of Mathemati 3.0 G S Stoudt              T R   0945-1115 STRGT 202

MATH 353 001 21213C Theory of Numbers    3.0 D A Burkett            M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 202

MATH 355 001 21207C Foundations of Geome 3.0 J M Walker              T R   0800-0930 STRGT 202

MATH 364 001 21214C Math Statistics II   3.0 J Zhang                 T R   1645-1815 STRGT 333

MATH 418 001 21215C Sampling Survey Theo 3.0 F W Morgan             M W    1645-1815 STRGT 232

MATH 420 001 21216C Patterns & Functions 3.0 M J Bosse                 R   1720-2020 STRGT 302

MATH 427 001 21217C Intro to Topology    3.0 J H Steelman           M W    1715-1845 STRGT 340

MATH 446 001 21218C Probabilistic Models 3.0 R A Sandbothe          M W    1645-1815 STRGT 333

MATH 454 001 21208C Seminar: Teaching Ge 1.0 B J Lamberski           T     1500-1600 STRGT 202
         002 23810C Seminar: Teaching Ge 1.0 J M Walker              T     1500-1600 STRGT 302

MATH 458 001 21223C Logic & Logic Games  3.0 M M Stempien            T     1720-2020 STRGT 302

MATH 477 001 21220C Abstract Algebra II  3.0 F E Alarcon             T     1315-1445 STRGT 231
                                                                       R   1500-1630 STRGT 231

MATH 480 001 21867C Senior Seminar       1.0 J C Reber                 R   1315-1445 STRGT 231

MATH 481 001 212461 Nonlinear Dynamics a 3.0 G E Mitchell                  NONE-NONE          

MATH 518 001 21248C Sampling Survey Thry 3.0 F W Morgan             M W    1645-1815 STRGT 232

MATH 527 001 21250C Topology             3.0 J H Steelman           M W    1715-1845 STRGT 340

MATH 546 001 21249C Prblstc Models in Op 3.0 R A Sandbothe          M W    1645-1815 STRGT 333

MATH 553 001 21231C Theory of Numbers    3.0 D A Burkett            M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 202

MATH 564 001 21251C Mathematical Statist 3.0 J Zhang                 T R   1645-1815 STRGT 333

MATH 577 001 21229C Abstract Algebra II  3.0 F E Alarcon             T     1315-1445 STRGT 231
                                                                       R   1500-1630 STRGT 231

MATH 581 001 212472 Nonlinear Dynamics a 3.0 G E Mitchell                  NONE-NONE          

MATH 641 001 21210C Differential Equatio 3.0 D A Burkett            M W    1500-1630 JOHNS 131

MATH 643 001 21211C Graphs, Ntwrks & Com 3.0 D H Frank               T R   1830-2000 STRGT 231

MATH 699 002 23861I Independent Study in 1.0 J Zhang                       NONE-NONE          


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