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Indiana University of Pennsylvania
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College of Natural Science and Mathematics


Picture of John Zhang

Dr. John Junlue Zhang

Contact Information

  • 313 Stright Hall
    Mathematics Department
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania
    210 S. Tenth Street
    Indiana, PA 15705
  • email: zhang@iup.edu; phone: 724-357-4061; fax: 724-357-7980

Professional Information

The Chinese Student Association

Actuarial Workshop in China

Here is my personal list of useful WWW sites.

Resources in teaching statistics

John Zhang's Course Schedule for Spring 21

DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME             BLDG  ROOM
MATH 214 801 22039C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00   T     00:00 am-00:00 am  ONLIN WWW
MATH 412 801 22278C Multivariate Statistics        3.00   T     00:00 am-00:00 am  ONLIN WWW
MATH 214 003 21969C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00   T R   09:30 am-10:45 am  ONLIN WWW
MATH 214 004 21970C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00   T R   12:30 pm-01:45 pm  ONLIN WWW

John Zhang's Office Hours for Spring 21

Monday    None
Tuesday   10:45 am - 12:30 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 11:30 am (Or by appointment or by chance)
Thursday  10:45 am - 12:30 pm
Friday    None


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Correspondence regarding this site should be sent to its maintainer, H. Edward Donley, <hedonley@iup.edu>.  Please see IUP's statement regarding pages that do not officially represent the university.

Last modified on Thursday, 02-Oct-2003 16:35:33 EDT