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Indiana University of Pennsylvania
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College of Natural Science and Mathematics


Picture of Francisco Alarcón

Dr. Francisco E. Alarcón

Mathematics Department


233 Stright Hall
Mathematics Department
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
210 S. Tenth Street
Indiana, PA 15705

Electronic Mail Address




Francisco Alarcon's Course Schedule for Spring 21

DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME             BLDG  ROOM
MATH 108 006 21938C Applic of Business Mathematics 1.00   T     11:00 am-11:50 am  STABL 102B
MATH 108 007 21939C Applic of Business Mathematics 1.00   T     12:30 pm-01:20 pm  STABL 102B

Francisco Alarcon's Office Hours for Spring 21

Monday    10:00 am - 11:15 am
Tuesday   None
Wednesday 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Thursday   1:00 pm -  2:30 pm
Friday    10:00 am - 11:15 am

Course Supplements

Professional Interests

My professional interests include commutative semirings, the use of computers in teaching and education, commutative rings and model theory. I have made available the abstracts for my publications. My curriculum vitae is also available.

Special Projects

Personal Interests

Want to meet "a los niños?" They are Xavier, Ignacio and Daniela. Here is a recent picture of the four of us and an older picture of the three of them. Ready for the first day of school in the fall of 98 (first day the three went to school). There are all kinds of fun and wild things going on at home. I am also interested in collecting new fountain pens and also antique fountain pens. When the weather allows me I like to ride my motorcycle, a 91 Suzuki Bandit 400.

The image along the right side of this page is chosen at random from the graphics gallery. Visit the graphics gallery to see all of the images and their descriptions.

Correspondence regarding this site should be sent to its maintainer, H. Edward Donley, <hedonley@iup.edu>. Please see IUP's statement regarding pages that do not officially represent the university.

Last modified on Thursday, 02-Jan-2003 21:08:16 EST