
Logo for the MAA

MAA Spring Meeting 1996

Allegheny Mountain Section

The Spring Meeting will be April will be held at IUP on Friday April 12 and Saturday April 13 1996.

Information will be posted here and updated periodically.

Here is the tentative program for the meeting.

Here is some information about the career fair


For Faculty talks contact:

Gary Stoudt
233 Stright Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
(412) 357-2420

For Student talks contact:

Cheryl Leech
Division of Science
Penn State Erie
Station Road
Erie, PA 16563-0203
(814) 898-6009

For more information or special needs contact the local coordinator:

Francisco Alarcón
233 Stright Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
(412) 357-2741

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Maintained by Francisco Alarcon <falarcon@grove.iup.edu>
Last Modified on Monday, 13-Aug-2001 16:53:04 EDT