Date: September 16 Title: Stone's Representation Theorem Speaker: Dr. Douglas Frank Instit.: IUP Rating: PG Date: September 30 Title: Technology in the Elementary Classroom Speaker: Dr. John Baker Instit.: IUP Rating: G Date: October 14 Title: Relational Models and Dependencies Speaker: Dr. Dale Peterson Instit.: IUP Rating: PG-13 Date: October 28 Title: Biostatistics: The Quantitative Component of Biomedical and Public Health Research. Speaker: Dr. Howard Rockette Instit.: University of Pittsburgh Rating: PG Date: November 11 Title: VRML Demonstration on the Silicon Graphics Speaker: Dr. H. Edward Donley Instit.: IUP Rating: G Date: December 9 Title: Alternative Assessment Techniques in the Mathematics Classroom Speaker: Dr. Janet Scholz Instit.: IUP Rating: G
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Francisco Alarcon
Last Modified on Monday, 13-Aug-2001 16:53:04 EDT