MA 452 Syllabus

Mathematics Department
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 151701

Course Number:		MA 452

Course Title:		Seminar in Teaching Algebra

Credits:		1 semester hour

Prerequisites:		Education majors only

Textbook:		Teaching Mathematics in Secondary and Middle School Research-based Aproaches.
			by J. S. Cangelosi
			Charles Merrill Pub. Co.

			Every Minute Counts:  Making Your Math Class Work
			by D. Johnson
			Dale Seymour Pub.

Revised:		January 1995

Catalog Description:
Seminars are designed for pre-student teacher. Students in each class will gain insights into the problems in teaching each topic and become aware of the materials available and methods of instruction geared to the special type of student. Education majo rs only

Expected Seminar Outcomes:
1.	Communication of algebraic ideas, concepts,and procedure in written, oral, and pictorial form at different levels of formality, using mathematical reasoning to pose, explore and validate conjectures and arguments.

2.	The development of confidence, flexibility, perseverance and inventiveness and the ability to pose questions and tasks that elicit, engage, and challenge student's thinking.

3.	The development of a knowledge about different curricular designs appropriate to the teaching of algebra.

Suggested Topics:
The following is a list of topics from which the instructor might choose, depending on the interests of both the instructor and students. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list and certainly time will not permit that all topics be covered.
	A.	Problem solving in algebra
	B.	Questions frequently asked in an Algebra classroom
	C.	Uses and applications of algebra
	D.	Equations and inequalities
	E.	Binomial patterns  and probabilities
	F.	Coordinate representations and graphing calculators
	G.	Functions, properties, and behavior of functions. Polynomials, rational, and algebraic.

The following activities are recommended and will be used by the instructor as class size and other circumstances allow.

1.	Seminar students may participate as in-class tutors, paper graders, single topic presenters in MA 100 Basic Algebra classrooms.  Actual in-class activity will be governed by the different instructors of the MA 100 sections.  Written student reactions t

o this activity is expected as a MA 452 requirement.  The number of classes attended will be dictated by circumstances, but a minimum of 4-6 successive hours is recommended.

2.	A two to three page, double-spaced typewritten paper directed at a problem in teaching algebra, a "new" or different technique, etc., could be prepared by each student.  Class size and other circumstances will dictate whether some of all of these paper

s would be presented to the class as a whole.

3.	Whenever possible, class members will be given the opportunity to be in front of classmates in the "teaching role."  The limited number of hours (15) that the course meets dictates that such activity be limited to short time periods.  Instructor and pe

er review with immediate feedback is recommended.
4.	Other activities to be considered for classroom discussion:
		a)	testing in algebra classes
		b) 	motivation in algebra classes
		c)	selecting an algebra text
		d)	the structural basis of algebra
		e) 	curricular issues

Procedure will vary each semester according to what activites are elected. Instructor will indicate at the begining of the course the evaluation procedure which will be used.
Reference Materials:

Bassler and Kolb, Learning to Teach Secondary School Mathematics Intext Educational Publishers

Cooney, T. J. (Ed.) (1990).  Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the 1990s.  Reston, VA: NCTM.

Crouse and Sloyer, Mathematical Questions from the Classroom Prindle, Weber, & Schmidt, Inc.

Davidson, N. (Ed.) (1990) Cooperative Learning in Mathematics:  A Handbook for Teachers.  Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Fey, J. & Hirsch, C. (Eds.) (1992).  Calculators in Mathematics Education.  Reston, VA:  NCTM.

Kenney, M. & Hirsch, C. (Eds.) (1991).  Discrete Mathematics Across the Curriculum, K-12.  Reston, VA: NCTM.

Kreindler, L. and Zahm, B. (Eds.) (1992).  MathFINDER Sourcebook: A Collection of Resources for Mathematics Reform.  Armonk, NY: The Learning Team.

Mager, R. (1984).  Preparing Instructional Objectives.  Belmont, CA: Pitman Learning, Inc.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  Addenda Series for Grades 5-8 and Grades 9-12.  Reston, VA: NCTM

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  Mathematics Teacher (MT).    Reston, VA: NCTM

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (MTMS).    Reston, VA: NCTM

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  (1993)  Assessment Standards for School Mathematics (Working Draft).  Reston, VA: NCTM.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  (1991). Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics.  Reston, VA:  NCTM.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  (1989).  Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for Teaching Mathematics.  Reston, VA: NCTM.

Pennsylvania Department of Education (1994)  Mathematics Curriculum Framework.  Harrisburg, PA: PDE.

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