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IUP Mathematics Courses for Spring 04

Created on January 29, 2004

Rick Adkins' Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Rick Adkins            MATH 271 W01 21374C Intro Math Proofs I            3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 202 
                       MATH 110 001 21288C Elementary Functions           3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 231 
                       MATH 451 001 21451C Numer Meth/Supercomputers      3.00  M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 112A
                       MATH 551 001 21452C Num Mthds for Supercomputers   3.00  M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 112A
                       MATH 110 002 21290C Elementary Functions           3.00  M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 231 
                       MATH 850 002 23171C Thesis                         3.00   T          TBA-         TBA   TBA 

Francisco Alarcon's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Francisco Alarcon      MATH 101 018 23909C Foundations of Math            3.00   T R   08:00 am-09:30 am STRGT 112A
                       MATH 101 011 21249C Foundations of Math            3.00   T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 112A
                       MATH 101 012 21250C Foundations of Math            3.00   T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 112A
                       MATH 101 801 23152C Foundations of Math            3.00   T          TBA-         ONLIN TBA 
                       MATH 482 001 23153C Independent Study                3.   T          TBA-         TBA   TBA 
                       MATH 101 8E1 23185C Foundations of Math            3.00   T          TBA-         ONLIN TBA 

Caroline Anderson's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Caroline Anderson      MATH 217 002 21347C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 240 
                       MATH 217 005 21351C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 240 
                       MATH 217 006 21352C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 240 
                       MATH 101 007 21242C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 240 

John Baker's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
John Baker             MATH 152 004 21307C Elements of Math II            3.00  M W    02:15 pm-03:45 pm STRGT 340 
                       MATH 456 001 21434C Geometry for Teachers          3.00  M      05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 302 
                       ELMA 556 001 21435C Principles of Geometry I       3.00  M      05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 302 
                       MATH 152 005 21308C Elements of Math II            3.00   T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 340 
                       MATH 152 006 21310C Elements of Math II            3.00   T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 340 

Don Balenovich's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Don Balenovich         MATH 481 001 21429C Partial Differential Equations   3.  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 202 
                       MATH 219 001 21378C Discrete Mathematics           3.00  M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 329 
                       MATH 101 013 21252C Foundations of Math            3.00   T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 231 
                       MATH 101 014 21254C Foundations of Math            3.00   T R   01:15 pm-02:45 pm STRGT 231 

Jerry Buriok's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Jerry Buriok           MATH 115 001 21408C Applied Math for Business      4.00  M WRF  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 226 

Dan Burkett's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Dan Burkett            MATH 123 001 21403C Calculus I/Physics, Chem, Math 4.00  M WRF  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 226 
                       MATH 272 001 21376C Intro Math Proofs II           3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 202 
                       MATH 123 002 21404C Calculus I/Physics, Chem, Math 4.00  M WRF  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 226 
                       MATH 480 001 21428C Senior Seminar                 1.00     R   03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 202 

H. Edward Donley's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
H. Edward Donley       MATH 121 001 21398C Calculus I/ NatSci,SocSci,Bus  4.00  M WRF  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 226 
                       MATH 105 013 23894C College Algebra                3.00   T R   01:15 pm-02:45 pm STRGT 329 
                       MATH 681 001 21430C Computational Mathematics      3.00   T R   06:30 pm-08:00 pm STRGT 231 

Rebecca Dubovsky's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Rebecca Dubovsky       MATH 100 301 23744C Intermediate Algebra           3.00  M W F  09:00 am-10:00 am PUNX  22  
                       MATH 100 302 23743C Intermediate Algebra           3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am PUNX  22  
                       MATH 101 301 23742C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm PUNX  22  
                       MATH 217 301 23741C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  02:30 pm-03:30 pm PUNX  22  

Bob Early's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Bob Early              MATH 105 003 21268C College Algebra                3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STOUF 256 
                       MATH 105 004 21269C College Algebra                3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 232 
                       MATH 105 009 21276C College Algebra                3.00  M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 232 
                       MATH 110 201 22997C Elementary Functions           3.00   T R   10:15 am-11:45 am ARM   209 

Larry Feldman's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Larry Feldman          ELED 313 001 21421C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 302 
                       ELED 313 002 21424C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 302 
                       ELED 313 003 21425C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00  M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 302 
                       EDEX 221 001 21420C Tchg Math to Persons w/Dis     3.00  M W    03:30 pm-05:00 pm STRGT 302 

Doug Frank's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Doug Frank             MATH 214 001 21317C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 229 
                       MATH 214 002 21319C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 240 
                       MATH 214 003 21327C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 327 
                       MATH 214 004 21329C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 327 

Jackie Gorman's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM

Zia Haque's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Zia Haque              MATH 217 007 21354C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 329 
                       MATH 217 008 21355C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 329 
                       MATH 100 006 21215C Intermediate Algebra           3.00   T R   08:00 am-09:30 am STRGT 231 
                       MATH 100 007 21216C Intermediate Algebra           3.00   T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 231 

Jeffrey Kochanski's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Jeffrey Kochanski      MATH 101 004 21229C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 329 
                       MATH 101 006 21240C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 329 
                       MATH 101 015 21256C Foundations of Math            3.00   T R   01:15 pm-02:45 pm STRGT 240 
                       MATH 101 016 21258C Foundations of Math            3.00   T R   03:00 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 240 

Joseph Kosler's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Joseph Kosler          MATH 217 004 21349C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 112A
                       MATH 214 005 21331C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00  M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 231 
                       MATH 217 009 21358C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 112A
                       MATH 418 001 21444C Sampling Survey Theory & Appl  3.00   T R   04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 112A
                       MATH 518 001 21445C Sampling Survey Thry & Applic  3.00   T R   04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 112A

Yu-Ju Kuo's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Yu-Ju Kuo              MATH 171 001 21370C Intro Linear Algebra           3.00  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 112A
                       MATH 101 003 21228C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 232 
                       MATH 101 005 21238C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 232 
                       MATH 445 001 23725C Prog Models Operations Rsrch   3.00   T R   04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 231 
                       MATH 545 001 23726C Prgmg Models in Operations Res 3.00   T R   04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 231 

Barb Lamberski's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Barb Lamberski         MATH 105 012 23849C College Algebra                3.00  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 340 
                       MATH 152 002 21303C Elements of Math II            3.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 340 
                       MATH 152 003 21305C Elements of Math II            3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 340 
                       MATH 454 001 21396C Seminar: Teaching General Math   1.   T     11:30 am-12:30 pm STRGT 202 
                       EDUC 242 044 21417C Pre-Student Tchg Clin Exp I    1.00     R   11:30 am-12:30 pm STRGT 202 

John Lattanzio's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
John Lattanzio         MATH 101 008 21244C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 340 
                       MATH 171 002 21372C Intro Linear Algebra           3.00  M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 202 
                       MATH 105 010 21277C College Algebra                3.00   T R   08:00 am-09:30 am STRGT 232 
                       MATH 105 011 21278C College Algebra                3.00   T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 232 

Christoph Maier's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Christoph Maier        MATH 216 001 21341C Probability & Stats/NatSciMjrs 4.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 112A
                                                                                   R   09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 229 
                       MATH 216 002 21343C Probability & Stats/NatSciMjrs 4.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 112A
                                                                                   R   01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 229 
                       MATH 115 006 21414C Applied Math for Business      4.00  MTW F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 229 

George Mitchell's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
George Mitchell        MATH 124 001 21406C Calculus II/Physics, Chem,Math 4.00  M WRF  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 327 
                       MATH 124 002 21407C Calculus II/Physics, Chem,Math 4.00  M WRF  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 327 
                       MATH 121 002 21399C Calculus I/ NatSci,SocSci,Bus  4.00  M W    06:00 pm-08:00 pm STRGT 240 

Fred Morgan's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Fred Morgan            MATH 115 002 21410C Applied Math for Business      4.00  MTW F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 229 
                       MATH 115 003 21411C Applied Math for Business      4.00  MTW F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 229 
                       MATH 364 001 21440C Math Statistics II             3.00  M W    06:30 pm-08:00 pm STRGT 231 
                       MATH 564 001 21441C Mathematical Statistics II     3.00  M W    06:30 pm-08:00 pm STRGT 231 
                       MATH 850 001 23169C Thesis                         3.00   T          TBA-         TBA   TBA 

Madhu Motha's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Madhu Motha            MATH 100 003 21212C Intermediate Algebra           3.00  M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 231 
                       MATH 100 005 21214C Intermediate Algebra           3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 231 
                       MATH 214 006 21333C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00   T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 240 
                       MATH 214 007 21335C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00   T R   01:15 pm-02:45 pm STRGT 232 

Jim Myers' Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Jim Myers              MATH 152 008 23724C Elements of Math II            3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 340 
                       ELED 313 710 23150C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00   T     09:30 am-12:30 pm CCAC  TBA 
                       ELMA 698 001 23176C Supervised Internship          3.00   T          TBA-         TBA   TBA 

Marie Polka's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Marie Polka            MATH 105 002 21267C College Algebra                3.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 231 
                       MATH 105 005 21270C College Algebra                3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 226 
                       MATH 101 009 21245C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 240 
                       MATH 101 010 21247C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 240 

Phil Ray's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Phil Ray               MATH 100 001 21210C Intermediate Algebra           3.00  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 329 
                       MATH 100 002 21211C Intermediate Algebra           3.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 329 
                       MATH 100 004 21213C Intermediate Algebra           3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm WILSN 205 
                       MATH 105 008 21275C College Algebra                3.00  M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 232 

Fawaz Roumani's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Fawaz Roumani          MATH 101 001 21226C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 327 
                       MATH 101 002 21227C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 327 
                       MATH 217 010 21359C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00   T R   08:00 am-09:30 am STRGT 240 
                       MATH 217 011 21361C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00   T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 240 

Tom Short's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Tom Short              MATH 217 001 21346C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 232 
                       MATH 217 003 21348C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 232 
                       MATH 152 710 23151C Elements of Math II            3.00   T R   11:00 am-12:30 pm CCAC  TBA 
                       MATH 459 001 21436C Tech Elem & Mid Sch Math Instr 3.00    W    05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 112A
                       ELMA 559 001 21437C Comp-Rel Topic in El & Mid Sch 3.00    W    05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 112A

John Henry Steelman's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
John Henry Steelman    MATH 105 001 21265C College Algebra                3.00  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 231 
                       MATH 423 001 21442C Complex Variables              3.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 202 
                       MATH 523 001 21443C Complex Variables I            3.00  M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 202 
                       MATH 105 006 21271C College Algebra                3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 226 

Margaret Stempien's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Margaret Stempien      MATH 151 001 21294C Elements of Math I             3.00  M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 302 
                       MATH 151 002 21295C Elements of Math I             3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 302 
                       MATH 101 017 23848C Foundations of Math            3.00  M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 302 
                       MATH 458 001 21448C Logic & Logic Games for Tchrs  3.00   T     05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 302 
                       ELMA 558 001 21449C Intro to Logic & Logical Games 3.00   T     05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 302 

Gary Stoudt's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Gary Stoudt            MATH 350 W01 21394C History of Mathematics         3.00  M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 202 

Janet Walker's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Janet Walker           MATH 355 001 21392C Foundations of Geometry I      3.00   T R   08:00 am-09:30 am STRGT 202 
                       EDUC 456 001 21419C Tchg Math in Secondary Sch     3.00   T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 202 
                       EDUC 342 044 21418C Pre-Student Tchg Clin Exp II   1.00   T     01:15 pm-02:15 pm STRGT 202 

Elaine White's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM

Greg Wisloski's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
Greg Wisloski          MATH 115 004 21412C Applied Math for Business      4.00  MTW F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 229 
                       MATH 115 005 21413C Applied Math for Business      4.00  MTW F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 229 
                       MATH 122 001 21402C Calculus II/Natural&Social Sci 4.00  MTW F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 229 

John Zhang's Course Schedule for Spring 04

INSTRUCTOR             DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT  DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
John Zhang             MATH 217 012 21363C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00   T R   01:15 pm-02:45 pm STRGT 112A
                       MATH 217 013 21365C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00   T R   03:00 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 112A