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IUP Mathematics Courses for Spring 03

Created on January 21, 2003

DEPT CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                          CRDT INSTRUCTOR               DAYS   TIME              BLDG  ROOM
MATH 100 001 22075C Intermediate Algebra           3.00 Phillip P Ray            M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 340 
         002 22078C Intermediate Algebra           3.00 Donald A Balenovich      M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 232 
         003 22079C Intermediate Algebra           3.00 Marie  Polka             M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 232 
         004 22081C Intermediate Algebra           3.00 Marie  Polka             M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 232 
         005 22082C Intermediate Algebra           3.00 Donald A Balenovich      M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 231 
         006 22083C Intermediate Algebra           3.00 Donald A Balenovich      M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 231 
         301 23427C Intermediate Algebra           3.00 John J Lattanzio         M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am PUNX  TBA 

MATH 101 001 22088C Foundations of Math            3.00 James C Reber            M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 232 
         002 22089C Foundations of Math            3.00 Rebecca A Dubovsky       M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 240 
         003 22090C Foundations of Math            3.00 Rebecca A Dubovsky       M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 340 
         004 22091C Foundations of Math            3.00 James C Reber            M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 232 
         005 22092C Foundations of Math            3.00 Caroline I Anderson      M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 240 
         006 22093C Foundations of Math            3.00 John J Lattanzio         M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 232 
         007 22094C Foundations of Math            3.00 Ernest A Walker          M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 240 
         009 22097C Foundations of Math            3.00 Rebecca A Dubovsky       M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 240 
         010 22098C Foundations of Math            3.00 Marie  Polka              T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 333 
         011 22099C Foundations of Math            3.00 Francisco E Alarcon       T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 112A
         012 22100C Foundations of Math            3.00 Francisco E Alarcon       T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 112A
         013 22101C Foundations of Math            3.00 Robert E Early            T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 231 
         014 22102C Foundations of Math            3.00 Marie  Polka              T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 333 
         015 22103C Foundations of Math            3.00 Robert E Early            T R   03:00 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 231 
         016 22104C Foundations of Math            3.00 Linda L Tully             T R   03:00 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 240 
         017 22105C Foundations of Math            3.00 Linda L Tully             T R   04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 240 
         301 23428C Foundations of Math            3.00 John J Lattanzio         M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am PUNX  TBA 
         302 23429C Foundations of Math            3.00 Christoph E Maier        M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm PUNX  TBA 
         801 22791C Foundations of Math            3.00 Francisco E Alarcon       T          TBA-         ONLIN TBA 
         8E1 23431C Foundations of Math            3.00 Francisco E Alarcon       T          TBA-         ONLIN TBA 

MATH 105 001 22106C College Algebra                3.00 Harold E Donley          M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 333 
         002 22107C College Algebra                3.00 Harold E Donley          M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 333 
         003 22108C College Algebra                3.00 John H Steelman          M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 329 
         004 22109C College Algebra                3.00 John H Steelman          M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 329 
         005 22110C College Algebra                3.00 Phillip P Ray            M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 333 
         006 22111C College Algebra                3.00 Harold E Donley          M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 333 
         007 22112C College Algebra                3.00 Phillip P Ray            M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 231 
         008 22113C College Algebra                3.00 Janet M Walker            T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 231 
         009 23700C College Algebra                3.00 Rebecca A Dubovsky       M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 340 
         010 23769C College Algebra                3.00 Heather L Lamparski      M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 302 

MATH 110 001 22114C Elementary Functions           3.00 Phillip P Ray            M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 340 
         002 22115C Elementary Functions           3.00 Daniel A Burkett          T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 240 
         003 22116C Elementary Functions           3.00 Daniel A Burkett          T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 240 
         201 22710C Elementary Functions           3.00 Robert E Early           M W F  12:30 pm-01:30 pm ARM   209 

MATH 115 001 22117C Applied Math for Business      4.00 Frederick W Morgan       MTW F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 226 
         002 22118C Applied Math for Business      4.00 Frederick W Morgan       MTW F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 226 
         003 22119C Applied Math for Business      4.00 Gerald M Buriok          M WRF  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 229 
         004 22120C Applied Math for Business      4.00 Yu-Ju  Kuo               M WRF  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 229 
         005 22121C Applied Math for Business      4.00 Yu-Ju  Kuo               M WRF  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 229 
         006 22122C Applied Math for Business      4.00 Gerald M Buriok          M WRF  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 229 

MATH 121 001 22123C Calculus I/ NatSci,SocSci,Bus  4.00 George E Mitchell        M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 327 
                                                                                  T     01:05 pm-02:05 pm STRGT 327 
         002 22124C Calculus I/ NatSci,SocSci,Bus  4.00 George E Mitchell         T R   06:30 pm-08:30 pm STRGT 240 

MATH 122 001 22125C Calculus II/Natural&Social Sci 4.00 Frederick A Adkins       MTW F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 226 

MATH 123 001 22126C Calculus I/Physics, Chem, Math 4.00 Donald A Balenovich      M WRF  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 229 
         002 22127C Calculus I/Physics, Chem, Math 4.00 Frederick A Adkins       MTW F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 226 

MATH 124 001 22129C Calculus II/Physics, Chem,Math 4.00 George E Mitchell        MTW F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 226 
         002 22130C Calculus II/Physics, Chem,Math 4.00 Daniel A Burkett         MTW F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 226 

MATH 151 001 22131C Elements of Math I             3.00 Margaret M Stempien      M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 340 
         002 22132C Elements of Math I             3.00 Margaret M Stempien      M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 340 
         004 22134C Elements of Math I             3.00 Margaret M Stempien      M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 302 

MATH 152 001 22135C Elements of Math II            3.00 Barbara J Lamberski      M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 302 
         002 22136C Elements of Math II            3.00 Andrea L Casagranda      M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 302 
         003 22137C Elements of Math II            3.00 Andrea L Casagranda      M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 302 
         004 22138C Elements of Math II            3.00 Heather L Lamparski      M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 302 
         007 22141C Elements of Math II            3.00 Michael J Bosse           T R   08:00 am-09:30 am STRGT 340 
         008 22142C Elements of Math II            3.00 Michael J Bosse           T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 340 
         009 22143C Elements of Math II            3.00 Barbara J Lamberski       T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 340 
         010 22144C Elements of Math II            3.00 Barbara J Lamberski       T R   01:15 pm-02:45 pm STRGT 340 
         710 22252C Elements of Math II            3.00 Heather L Lamparski       T R   12:00 pm-01:30 pm CCAC  TBA 

MATH 171 001 22145C Intro Linear Algebra           3.00 Yu-Ju  Kuo               M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 329 
         002 22146C Intro Linear Algebra           3.00 Gary S Stoudt            M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 229 

MATH 214 001 22147C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00 Thomas H Short           M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 231 
         002 22148C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00 Richard A Sandbothe      M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 231 
         003 22149C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00 Richard A Sandbothe      M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 231 
         004 22150C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00 Joseph S Kosler          M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 231 
         005 22151C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00 Gerald V Delbrugge       M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 333 
         006 22152C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00 Gerald V Delbrugge       M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 327 
         007 23437C Probability & Stats/Bus Mjrs   3.00 Richard A Sandbothe      M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 202 

MATH 216 001 22153C Probability & Stats/NatSciMjrs 4.00 Douglas H Frank          M WRF  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 329 
         002 22154C Probability & Stats/NatSciMjrs 4.00 Douglas H Frank          MTW F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 327 

MATH 217 001 22157C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Christoph E Maier        M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 112A
         002 22158C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Caroline I Anderson      M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 240 
         003 22159C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Christoph E Maier        M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 112A
         004 22160C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Joseph S Kosler          M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 112A
         005 22161C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Caroline I Anderson      M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 240 
         007 22163C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Caroline I Anderson      M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 240 
         008 22164C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Linda L Tully            M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 112A
         009 22165C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Joseph S Kosler          M W F  02:15 pm-03:15 pm STRGT 112A
         010 22166C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Linda L Tully            M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 112A
         011 22167C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Ernest A Walker          M W    05:15 pm-06:45 pm STRGT 333 
         012 22168C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Gerald V Delbrugge        T R   01:15 pm-02:45 pm STRGT 333 
         013 22169C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Gerald V Delbrugge        T R   03:00 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 333 
         201 22719C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Robert E Early           M      08:15 pm-09:15 pm ARM   106 
                                                                                   W    07:00 pm-09:00 pm ARM   106 
         301 23430C Intro to Probability & Stats   3.00 Christoph E Maier        M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm PUNX  TBA 

MATH 219 001 23601C Discrete Mathematics           3.00 John J Lattanzio         M W F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 232 

MATH 271 W01 22155C Intro Math Proofs I            3.00 Gerald M Buriok          M W F  08:00 am-09:00 am STRGT 202 

MATH 272 001 22156C Intro Math Proofs II           3.00 James C Reber            M W F  09:15 am-10:15 am STRGT 202 

MATH 281 001 23435C Math Models for the Sciences     3. Daniel A Burkett         M W F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 202 

MATH 342 001 22170C Adv Math for Applications      4.00 Frederick A Adkins       MTW F  11:45 am-12:45 pm STRGT 226 

MATH 350 W01 22171C History of Mathematics         3.00 Michael J Bosse          M W    03:30 pm-05:00 pm STRGT 202 

MATH 353 001 22172C Theory of Numbers              3.00 Francisco E Alarcon      M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 202 

MATH 355 001 22174C Foundations of Geometry I      3.00 Janet M Walker            T R   08:00 am-09:30 am STRGT 202 

MATH 364 001 22175C Math Statistics II             3.00 Douglas H Frank          M W    04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 231 

MATH 371 001 22177C Linear Algebra                 3.00 John H Steelman          M W F  01:00 pm-02:00 pm STRGT 202 

MATH 418 001 22179C Sampling Survey Theory & Appl  3.00 Joseph S Kosler          M W    04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 226 

MATH 420 001 22181C Patterns & Functions for Tchrs 3.00 Michael J Bosse          M      05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 302 

MATH 422 001 22183C Adv Calculus II                3.00 James C Reber             T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 202 

MATH 446 001 22185C Probabilistic Models Oper Rsch 3.00 Richard A Sandbothe       T R   04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 231 

MATH 455 001 22189C Sem in Tchg Prob & Stats       1.00 Barbara J Lamberski       T     03:00 pm-04:00 pm STRGT 202 

MATH 458 001 22191C Logic & Logic Games for Tchrs  3.00 Heather L Lamparski         R   05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 302 

MATH 459 001 22193C Technology in Sch Math Instr   3.00 John D Baker              T     05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 112A

MATH 480 001 22196C Senior Seminar                 1.00 George E Mitchell            F  03:30 pm-04:30 pm STRGT 333 

MATH 482 001 22213C Independent Study                3. STAFF                                              
         002 22215C Independent Study                3. STAFF                                              

MATH 490 001 22199C Independent Study                3. STAFF                                              

MATH 493 001 22201C Internship                       3. STAFF                                              
         002 22202C Internship                       6. STAFF                                              
         003 22204C Internship                       9. STAFF                                              
         004 22205C Internship                      12. STAFF                                              

MATH 518 001 22180C Sampling Survey Thry & Applic  3.00 Joseph S Kosler          M W    04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 226 

MATH 522 001 22184C Advanced Calculus II           3.00 James C Reber             T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 202 

MATH 546 001 22186C Prblstc Models in Oper Res     3.00 Richard A Sandbothe       T R   04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 231 

MATH 553 001 22173C Theory of Numbers              3.00 Francisco E Alarcon      M W F  10:30 am-11:30 am STRGT 202 

MATH 564 001 22176C Mathematical Statistics II     3.00 Douglas H Frank          M W    04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 231 

MATH 652 001 22691C Seminar in Tchg Sr High Math   3.00 Margaret M Stempien        W    05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 202 

MATH 685 001 22209C Topics in Statistical Methods  3.00 Thomas H Short           M W    04:45 pm-06:15 pm STRGT 232 

MATH 688 001 23767C Problems in Applied Mathematic 3.00 Harold E Donley          M W    06:30 pm-08:00 pm STRGT 231 

MATH 698 001 22216C Internship                       1. STAFF                                              
         002 22221C Internship                       3. STAFF                                              
         003 22224C Internship                       6. STAFF                                              

MATH 699 001 22226C Independent Study in Math        3. STAFF                                              
         002 22228C Independent Study in Math        1. STAFF                                              

MATH 850 001 22232C Thesis                         3.00 STAFF                                              
         002 22234C Thesis                         3.00 STAFF                                              
         003 22235C Thesis                         3.00 STAFF                                              
         004 23737C Thesis                         3.00 STAFF                     T          TBA-         TBA   TBA 

EDUC 242 044 22067C Pre-Student Tchg Clin Exp I    1.00 Barbara J Lamberski         R   03:00 pm-04:00 pm STRGT 202 

EDUC 342 044 22068C Pre-Student Tchg Clin Exp II   1.00 Janet M Walker            T     11:30 am-12:30 pm STRGT 202 

EDUC 441 083 20032C Student Teaching               12.0 Janet M Walker                                              

EDUC 456 001 22069C Tchg Math in Secondary Sch     3.00 Janet M Walker            T R   01:15 pm-02:45 pm STRGT 202 

ELED 313 001 22070C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00 James R Myers            M W    03:30 pm-05:00 pm STRGT 333 
         002 22071C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00 John D Baker              T R   08:00 am-09:30 am STRGT 302 
         003 22072C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00 John D Baker              T R   09:45 am-11:15 am STRGT 302 
         004 22073C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00 Jacqueline L Gorman       T R   11:30 am-01:00 pm STRGT 302 
         005 22074C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00 Jacqueline L Gorman       T R   01:15 pm-02:45 pm STRGT 302 
         710 22253C Tchg Mathematics in Elem Sch   3.00 James R Myers              W    09:30 am-12:30 pm CCAC  TBA 

ELMA 520 001 22182C Pre-Calculus Mathematics I     3.00 Michael J Bosse          M      05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 302 

ELMA 558 001 22192C Intro to Logic & Logical Games 3.00 Heather L Lamparski         R   05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 302 

ELMA 559 001 22194C Comp-Rel Topic in El & Mid Sch 3.00 John D Baker              T     05:20 pm-08:20 pm STRGT 112A

EDEX 221 001 22066C Tchg Math to Persons w/Dis     3.00 John D Baker             M W    03:30 pm-05:00 pm STRGT 302